V.S.F. 2023 Opening Day!

V.S.F. 2023 Opening Day!

Salsa & Bachata, come join us every Saturday evening in August in Addison, Texas, with Luis Delgadillo—one of the best places for Salsa and Bachata in the DFW area!

Do you love dancing? If you’re reading this, we bet the answer is YES! This group is mainly for absolute beginners and intermediate dancers in the Dallas area who want to have fun and meet new people. V.S.F. 2023 Opening Day!

Great Food Trucks | Salsa Class starts at 6:30 PM 
Social dancing thereafter until 10:00 PM

V.S.F. 2023 Opening Day!

Imagine V.S.F. 2023 Opening Day! the perfect sunset while you’re learning to dance. Sounds great, right? You’re welcome to join our dance lessons in Dallas, where we offer three levels of instruction. We start with Level 1 for absolute beginners, so no experience or partner is necessary.

After one month in Level 1, you’ll advance to Level 2, where you’ll continue learning for another month or possibly two. Once you reach Level 3, you’ll stay there for a few months before moving on to the Intermediate class.

Whatever your expertise level is, you’ll always have the opportunity to learn new steps or practice what you’ve already learned in class.

To prepare you for the different Salsa and Bachata venues in Dallas, we’ll also help you get ready to socialize and enjoy the benefits of dancing. After all, it’s not just about learning steps—it’s about having fun together!

Great Food Trucks | Salsa Class starts at 6:30 PM
Social dancing will continue until 10:00 PM.